Current Prayer Requests

March 6, 2012

Thank the Lord for...

*breakthrough conversation with Ruben. While it was difficult to get there and not many words were shared, great insight was gained.

*anti-inflammatory medicine. It´s been a lifesaver.

Please pray for...

*patience with myself and lots of love and grace to give to Ruben and Aaron.

*the ability to enjoy each moment before me, regardless of the unknown in the future.

*continued physical healing. I hope to start running again soon!

*a transformed heart

February 29 2012

Thank the Lord for....

*the expressions of love and care from friends, acquaintances and even strangers through cards, flowers, emails, phone calls, visits, homemade meals, other gifts.

*slow but steady healing of the cold sores.

*Ruben and his amazing grace and patience with me.

*some days of good sleep. I´ve napped with Aaron and also gone to sleep when he goes to sleep. So, some days have provided much needed sleep.

Please pray for...

*continued physical healing for me. I´m still in a good amount of pain. I go back to the doctor tomorrow for a follow-up appointment.

*for the appropriate moment to pick up Rebeca´s ashes from the funeral home and for guidance to know what to do with them and when.

*moments to walk through the grief without fear. I sense that I need to grieve more deeply but I´m just not there yet.

*courage and/or the will power to move back into the world and back to a regular schedule. Right now I feel like avoiding most people.

*wisdom to know how to share this experience with others: what to say, how much to say, how to respond to them.

*me....that I would be gracious to those around me, especially Ruben. Pray that I would find tangible ways to serve and bless him and Aaron.

Februrary 20, 2012

*Thank the Lord for a smooth delivery and the kindness of the medical staff. Praise Him for His calming presence. I was not afraid. (The epidural helped a lot too!)

*Thank Him for the exception the hospital made to allow my photographer friend to come join us as we met and said good-bye to Rebeca Grace. In the end, Aaron did not come....but I think it was best.

*Thank the Lord for Isabel, for José Luís and Eva, friends who accompanied me during different phases of my hospital visit before Ruben could arrive.

*Thank Him also that we were able to take care of all the funeral arrangements right after leaving the hospital on our way home. It was relatively quick and simple.

*Thank the Lord for Rosa and Manel, my parents-in-law, and Eva, my sister-in-law, who came at different times to help care for Aaron.

*Praise the Lord for these days at home, especially for Ruben and his kindness and compassion toward me.

*Please pray for physcial healing as soon as possible. I felt unusually well after returning from the hospital on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday afternoon, a cold sore started forming on my lip. Now there are multiple cold sores on my lip and in the corner of my mouth, in addition to 6-7 sores inside my mouth as well. 

*Pray for rest and recuperation.

*Pray for time and space to grieve at my own pace.

February 15, 2012

Please pray for us....

*Praise the Lord for His mercy, His goodness, His sovereignty, His power, His plan, His peace.

*Thank the Lord for choosing to heal Rebeca Grace by taking her home early. Thank Him for the time that I had together with her in my womb. Thank Him for choosing us to be her parents.

*Thank the Lord for the kindness, compassion and practical offers of love and assistance from people near and far.

*Many people have offered to come, to assist in some way, to call. Right now I´m not completely sure what we need. Pray for a clear head to know what we need most and make those decisions and communciate them.

*Pray for swift connection and closure on details with the funeral home. Pray that Ruben and I could talk about, agree upon and follow through on these decisions.

*Pray that the delivery on Friday would not only go smoothly...but that it would be a holy, supernatural experience for all involved. Pray that I would trust the Lord and not be afraid during the delivery.

*Pray that we would have some very sweet time with baby Grace after she is born. Pray that we could get some great photos to record this time. Pray that it would be a sweet time, not bitter. Pray that even Aaron could be there to say "hello" and "goodbye" without fear, without resisting. Pray that he would be curious and that he would be happy to see the baby.

*Pray that the doctors would be very flexible in terms of rules and policies....I´m hoping to have a good friend take photos during the day to record our time with her. Pray that she come join us in the delivery room without objections from the doctors.

*Pray for logistics with Aaron, especially Friday, the delivery day, and Saturday and Sunday, the immediate days of physical recovery for me. Ruben´s mom will be coming on Friday to be with Aaron. Pray for wisdom to know how best to coordinate these days.

*Pray that Aaron would be surrounded by love and care and security these days, that he would not worry and not be afraid when he notices changes in our schedule, in our moods, in our energy level.

*Pray for kindness and patience and support between Ruben and me.

*Pray for time and freedom and space to grieve. Pray for rest and peace.

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