Just got home a few hours ago. I´ll share a quick summary and then record a more detailed version later.
Friday, Feb 17
8am While Ruben took Aaron to playschool, a friend took me to the hospital.
10am I took some medicine to start the contractions.
11am They started coming.
1pm After settling Aaron with his Spanish grandma, Ruben arrived at the hospital.
2pm The contractions had become pretty strong and I figured I could benefit from an epidural at that point.
4pm The epidural had been administered and Iwas feeling no pain.
5pm I was dialating but not enough. needed to wait a couple more hours.
7pm The epidural started to wear off, but was soon supplied again.
7:30pm The doctor broke the amniotic sac and with 3 big pushes Rebeca Grace´s body was delivered: 1 pound, 3.04 oz. / 540 grams.
8pm Ruben and I spent a few minutes alone with the baby then invited in a good friend to take a few pictures for us. Then we said goodbye.
10pm I was settled in my hospital room for the night.
Saturday, Feb 18
8am The nurses brought breakfast...cafe con leche and a roll
11am The doctor came by for the final visit and said I could go home.
12pm After dressing and gathering my things, we climbed into the car to head home, with one stop on the way--the municipal funeral home.
1pm Finished all the details necessary for cremation and finally drove home.
Physcially I feel pretty well. The delivery went without complications. The medical staff were very kind. The time with the baby was good but not very sentimental. Emotionally, the day went amazingly well. Very few tears or even sadness really. (I´m sure it will be on the agenda at a later date.) Now that I am home, I am tired and mostly just want to lie down and be alone.
Thank you so much for praying for us, for sharing your hope, for shining His light in our darkness. Although I want to be alone right now, I still need companionship. So many are helping to surround both Ruben and me and fill us up with love and joy, hope and strength.
Thank you again for walking down this road with us.
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