I took him to playschool and, for the first time since September, he did not cry this morning when I took him to his classroom. (He wasn´t elated to go...but he was not crying.) I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that we saw 2 little green-haired clowns with red noses on the way this morning.
As I entered into his classroom....I was crouching down to help Aaron put on his smock, and all of a sudden, at least 5 or 6 of the children circled around me, greeting me, saying "hello" with big smiles. It was sweet and kind of funny that it happened this way...."They must want some extra attention," I thought.
One of the little girls even carressed my hair for several seconds. "How sweet. What a blessing." I thought. Later I thought, "Could it be that they know?" Of course they don´t know. Their parents don´t know. I know that Aaron knows something because he´s been extra sensitive since our visit to the hospital, holding my hand more, wanting/giving me more hugs; but even if Aaron understands it, he´s not old enough to comprehend it completely, let alone explain it to the other 2-year-olds. Then I wondered, as I sometimes do, if there´s some other supernatural, sensitive world in the world of children, things they sense without even really knowing what it is. :-) Regardless of what it is, the Lord used the little ones to send a fresh sense of hope this morning.
While Aaron was at playschool I went shopping for a few items...mostly looking for some comfortable clothes to have for the hospital visit. I wish I would have bought some fuzzy slippers. I forgot to look for fuzzy slippers.

There have been many phone calls on my cell phone and here at home today. I answered one call this morning that came while I was in a store. Just before the phone rang a new round of tears had started. I tried to regain composure and made it almost to the end of the phone call...but then couldn´t talk anymore. So, I haven´t picked up the phone anymore today. If you´ve called, I hope you´ll understand. I just don´t have a great desire to talk right now. I just want to be alone with Aaron and Ruben.
I just ran across a website with stories about miscarriage. I have just done a quick read of one of the stories, but haven´t even read thoroughly yet....but I thought it might be good to share here, in case you want to read what someone else has written about losing a baby. I want to go back and read it more closely later.
In case you're wondering, I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 8:30 to start the process of inducing delivery. I may write more tonight. I may not. I'll be back though.
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